Friday Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! Can you believe that I slept till 8:30!?!! I'm telling you, I am so relaxed up here. Today is my last day. I don't even want to think about it. I miss my babies though and can't wait to get there to see them. I just HATE leaving Lucy. SOON, she'll be in Alabama and it will be for good. Her sister Lori and family took us to the movies last night. We saw Get Smart. You gotta see this movie! It's SO funny! Her family has accepted me and they treat me so wonderful. I am amazed at how comfortable I am around them all. God just knows what HE is doing. If you EVER want a great vacation, I would highly suggest Minnesota. It is beautiful here. Grant it, I, a bama boy, was in culture shock for a couple of days, but there is SO much to do here. So much to see. I can't wait till Torey and Allison get here in 3 weeks. We will leave on July 13th (day after my b'day HA) to come up. Gotta wait till after church to leave. LOL We'll spend 3 days up here and drive back home. Enough rambling. This IS coffee talk. LOL
Our challenge for today is to appreciate what you DO have. We take so much for granted. We take our awesome country for granted, our friends, our jobs, our spouses, our loved ones, our children, our homes, just too much to list. Just enjoy and love what you do have. We are an age of more more more. Just look at what you have. Do you REALLY need more? Do you really have to have it or is it just want? It's good to want better, but do it in time. It's good to apprecaiate and LOVE what you have. Love it ya'll. Love what you have. Love WHO you have. Show them. Show people you don't take them for granted. Show your home you don't take it for granted. Show your boss you don't take your job for granted. Tell someone you don't take their friendship for granted. Your day will be so much better. YOUR LIFE will be so much better! Trust me!
So, what cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some AWESOME Swiss Chocolate Almond from Adrianamae aka Kelly from Minnesota. She can't join us tonight for the meet and greet due to being at the beach, so she gave Lucy and I 2 AWESOME and GOOD bags of coffee the other day at lunch! She knew what to give us! HAHA. I can't wait to meet everyone going to coffee tonight! We are going to have a blast! I hope you can make it! What are you enjoying today?
Ya'll have an awesome Friday and a great weekend!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"

Randall~I am so glad you are enjoying our beautiful state! There is a lot to do, believe me I have lived here all of my life and still have a list of things I'd like to do! I agree with you about appreciating what we have. I am so eternally grateful for what I have been given that I thank God for it on a daily basis. I have started to actually put this part of my prayer at the beginning, which is quite the change from a year ago. The Lord has graced me with a great family, a new chance at a healthy life, great friends (especially all of you) a good secure job (I work with bankruptcies and heaven knows they are plentiful right now) and a chance to go back to school to pursue my dream. This morning I am sipping on some Crystal Light Natural Citrus Focus it is really yummy and helps me wake up in the mornings more so than coffee and healthier too since I won't drink coffee without lots of milk and sweetener! I am so excited to meet you tonight! I hope you and Lucy have a good day today! ~Nicole