We will be staying at....
I was kind of waiting to see what might happen with your visit, Sweet Sue, because we have a loose standing thing with my hubby's family on the 3rd every year, BBQ and then the fireworks...
The COOL thing is that this get-together just HAPPENS to take place in West Bloomington, about 10 minutes from the Hyatt!!! So if I can finagle my hubby's blessings, I will try to join you! Perhaps you & Q would enjoy taking in an awesome fireworks display? Hey - what floor are you on? If you're up high and facing west, you might just have a good view from your room!!!
I sure hope I can meet you finally!!!

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
YES!!! WOW SweetSue! I can make it and will be so fabulous seeing you, meeting Quinn, and seeing everyone else! That will be great, as I'd volunteered to work the Fourth, and covering for the gal who's scheduled the evening shift that Sat/Sun. Will keep an eye on the boards for time/location! Am SO looking forward to this! Safe travels hon! Hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.