OT...The date
The date went very well... We met at a dunn brothers downtown, sat on the patio, walked to the meters a couple times to feed them some more.... and we talked for three hours....He is very nice....Intelligent, and he made me laugh!!!! A LOT. I like that... don't know what will happen from here. But so far.....I am pretty sure we will be seeing each other again... and Yes he did kiss me a couple of times....not bad!!!!!!!!!
Wow, Diane, I'm so happy for you having had very nice positive experience! Am so proud of you for getting yourself out there,Best wishes for more positives with it; sometimes the waiting is tough, but slow and easy is good--I always go by the "let him want you more, let him miss you although don't 'disappear'. Lotsa luv and hugs galore, Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.