Good morning everbody desperatley seeking clothes.

on 6/25/08 9:43 pm - MO

Is anybody looking to get rid of some clothes preferably sizes 18 to 20?  I am losing weight to fast to keep buying clothes all of the time and with today's economy I finding it hard just to go shopping at a thrift store. I live so far away from work their goes my check.  I still have quite a bit of my size 24's if anybody is in need of some extra clothes. Thanks in advance On a different topic I know from reading other's post about the pain that people experience because their bodies are pretty much realigning themselves.  I have talked with a nurse at my last checkup and she had said almost the same thing.  I would like other's opinions.  I have had this constent pain in the middle of my back that just won't go away for nothing.  When I stand for long periods of time it starts to hurt and when I sit to long it also starts to hurt with or without a backing to the chair.  Do you think going to the chiropractor would help?  Thanks for reading. Tammy


on 6/26/08 12:19 am - MN
If you can get to a Savers thrift store on a Monday it's worth the trip.  Every Monday they have 99 cent sales, for instance any blue tag will be 99 cents one Monday and the next Monday it will be another color tag for 99 cents.  I've got some really good deals in there and it's a start, even if you just pick up a couple things each week.  There is also a clothing exchange here on OH.  There probably is someone with those sizes to pass on here on OH too.   I have back problems and it can be very tricky on how to deal with it.  Good luck. 
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.

Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.

May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves

Walk with Buffalos


Always be my Friend

on 6/26/08 12:48 am - MO
Wow Thanks I knew that they had sales sometimes I just didn't kow that they had 99 cent sales on Monday.    WOOHOO look at me go. Thanks


on 6/26/08 1:27 am - MN
They have other sales during the week/month but I have found that 99 cent Monday's are my favorite and I get there when they open or close to it for the best selection.  The store in Bloomington opens at 9am.
Blessed are those who can give without remembering
And take without forgetting.

Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.

May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves

Walk with Buffalos


Always be my Friend

on 6/26/08 12:32 am - IGH, MN


On 2 different occasions my hips hurt so bad!!  Then I heard that your skeleton has some re-aligning to do.  Your bones grow heavier with extra weight and then for every ten you lose, its forty lbs off of your joints including your back.  Can you imagine that?  No wonder we hurt but it will get better.

hang in


Surgery 1/2/'08 @ 227, 143 and working towards 138.


on 6/26/08 12:51 am - MO

Thanks,  I guess I will stick it out for a while and see how it goes I really don't need to be paying anymore copayments for doctors right now.  It feels like it is in on my spine right in the middle of my back. 


Christi P.
on 6/26/08 1:04 am - Mora, MN
Yeah, I get pain everywhere.  Some days I can bounce around with no probs, and others I feel like a little old lady or something.  Physical Therapy or chiropractic can help.  With our postural changes, we are using our bodies differently, which means we are using our muscles differently.  Many of us will find us using muscles groups that may be weaker because we didn't used to use them very much.  Now, we are using weaker groups and need to build strength.  A chiro or PT can help us target those groups and help us keep loose and ease pain.  We don't have to just suffer through. Just my thoughts.

It's never too late—in fiction or in life—to revise.   Nancy Thayer

on 6/26/08 1:46 am - MO
Thanks I appreciate anybodies thoughts or opinions.


Darla S.
on 6/26/08 1:08 am - Maple Grove, MN
Back issues bite, no doubt.  I've had back issues for a long time, following a car accident in which I got broad-sided.  Thought losing weight would take care of it, but I guess the problem goes deeper than just my weight. Dorothy, Dr. Jones' nurse, told me something that made a lot of sense - the extra fat we carried can actually act as something of a cushion, so when it's gone, there's more pain.  Plus we're more active, so there's more stress? on the joints, and yeah - your whole body has to figure out a new center of gravity on a more-or-less ongoing basis as the pounds drop!  No wonder we ache! A chiropractor might help, but so could some good stretching exercizes.  Of course, it all depends on the reason for the pain, but I doubt stretching could hurt.  When I started this journey, I couldn't touch the floor with my hands unless I spread my legs far apart, or squatted.  Now I can easily bend in half with my palms on the floor.  Good luck to you!  I wish I had some clothes for ya, but I got rid of most of them in April at Swapkins!

  Imperfect does not = unsuccessful

on 6/26/08 1:40 am - MO
I kind of regreat not going to the swapkins back in April now.  I didn't think I was going to lose so much weight so fast.  I just had my surgery at the end of March so I thought I would wait for the next one, but I was wrong.  I have also had back issues and I think most of it had to do with my weight sometimes it would go out and then I couldn't move.  I have been to the chrio before, but now that I have lost so much weight maybe it is about time for me to go back. Thanks


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