OT: Update on Me (long)
Tracy, I am so sorry that you are going through a difficult time right now. You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers as you work through this. I'm so proud of you that you have made the needed steps to get you back on track.
You deserve to have good things happen to you and to be happy.
I believe that you have always been a great support to others on this board. Even when you are down you are helping others work through their issues. I sure hope that you allow us to support you while you are down. Please call, text, or email if you need anything at all. I would be happy to do whatever I can. I do not say that just to say I am here if you need anything!!
Take care and I wish you nothing but the best!!
Sweetie, I love you dearly and I feel bad that I've been out of touch - although not emotionally, just physically.
I'm so sorry you are having such huge issues right now. I have NOT ever dealt with a serious depression, so it's a little hard for me to relate, but you know I'm here for you if you ever want to call... I completely meant to call you last night, but between unpacking, cooking dinner, handing out presents to the kids and doing laundry, it just got away from me.
I will pm you with an idea for this weekend...
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful