And the results are.........
So..... nothing showed up on the scan.... now I wait for it to happen again and run to the ER for another scan..
On a happy note my two year labs came back flawless! It means Im taking all my vits and etc well and keeping things on track.
Im pretty proud of that...means Im still doing good two years later.
Thanks or all your concerns and prayers for me!!
Have a super day everyone!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the first day O summer!
Ps no word about Granny yet.. argh I just want to hear shes ok...
Love to you all!
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
I'm always a day late and a dollar short..... So excuses me if this has already been asked and answered.
Do you have your gallbladder? Because the symptoms you are having sound like the same symptoms I had 6 years ago when I had gallstones. There were 7 different ocassions in a span of two years where I'd wake up in the middle of the night feeling like I was having a heart attack. Each time I'd go to the ER and they'd check my heart - no problems. They told me it was stress. They said I was having a panic attack. It was the WORST pain I've ever had. Then, on a whim, one of the docs did an ultrasound of my gall bladder (the pain was near my heart, not where the gb is). I had it out the same day. Never a problem since.
So if they havent done that and you are being woke up in the middle of the night by terrible gutwrenching pain, check your gb. It comes out laproscopically.
good luck!