Looking for pureed food suggestions
Hi Anita!
When I was at this stage I enjoyed Refried Beans with cheese melted and maybe some taco sauce. I also ate alot of cottage cheese. Chili was a good one too...
Believe me these next 2 weeks will go pretty fast, so enjoy and try to get some variety so you don't get burned out!!
Good Luck, and hope to see you on Friday, I bet you are doing AWESOME!!
I made some high protein mashed potatoes and pureed turkey before surgery and froze them in ice cube trays. Once frozen, pop them out and store them in a ziplock freezer bag. One *cube* is an ounce, so they were really easy to use after surgery-- just microwave two and there's your meal.
High protein mashed potatoes - normal home made mashed potatoes but add cottage cheese instead of butter
Turkey puree - cooked turkey breast - cut up and add a little skim milk and some Heinz fat free gravy (and pepper if you like). I didn't puree it too much so it still had a little *chew*......was like the consistence of tuna salad.
Egg salad, tuna salad, the inside of a deviled crab with ****tail sauce, pintos and cheese from taco bell, mashed potatoes, soft cheese spreads, deviled ham, deviled chicken, whipped sweet potatoes, carrot souffle, spinach souffle, eggs-omelets, soft boiled scrambled, pureed fruits, pureed casseroles, I also found Nancy's quiche appetizer (they are tiny and good). Just remember no chunks!
Cottage cheese is the best if you ask me. Soups can be pretty good (check out the label though).
Egg salad is smooth, tuna, and chicken salad are also good. I ate those all immediately post op. I put them in my handy dandy chopper
One of the things I had on pureed stage was refried beans with a little cheddar cheese soup and taco sauce. Also had pureed chili, cream chicken soup on mashed potatoes. Pureed vegetable soup. Cottage cheese. Sugar free frozen yogurt. Sugar free puddings. If you can puree it, you can eat it (well at least within reason)
I ate a lot of Ricotta cheese and Humus during my pureed phase. Also, used smashed refried beans and melted cheese on them.
One thing that really helped me all these months? Homemade chicken broth. I add it to my chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad, meats that may be too dry I cook with it! Boil a chicken, peel & quarter a sweet onion, peel and slice some carrots and celery, add 2 bay leafs, 1/2 tsp. white pepper, 5 chicken bouillon cubes. Boil for several hours. Remove & bone the chicken into a separate dish. The next day, remove the layer of fat from the top of the broth & throw the fat away. Store in small containers for future use and fill a few ice cube trays, then freeze in baggies to add to veggies and cooking with.
I eat high protein foods like pureed chicken, mashed potatoes with cheese, sf/ff pudding, bean soup, lobster bisque as a treat, all natural baby food (the health food store type), Crystal Lite, tons of water, unsweetened applesauce with Proteinex, black beans, and Malt-O-Meal!
scrambled eggs (not too dry though), I would melt some low fat cheese in with them so that they weren't too dry and it added to my protein. Cottage cheese, yogurt, applesauce (w/no added sugar), mashed potatoes. I also ate tuna in water that I chopped up very finely and then added a small amt. of low fat mayo. Be careful if you do that though, be sure the tuna is very finely chopped and isn't too dry. Also, what I discovered is that it is very important to start drinking approx. 30 minutes after eating to be sure the food gets washed through the pouch.
And take without forgetting.
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Run with Wolves
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