Miss ya Peeps ~ hello from California!
Hey everyone, I have a quick minute to check in...won't get to all the posts I've missed in the past week, but just wanted to send you all a warm hello and well wishes!
California is wonderful, we're having a great time. Had our fill of Disney and are now on the 2nd leg of our vacation - San Diego! We had some pool time finally today and I have a nice color started. DH unfortunately sizzles and burns, so his face and neck (despite sunscreen) are a little fried, but he'll survive with a little aloe! The boys have great tans and you can see their MN white when you catch a glimpse of their hineys. LOL
Aside from that, we have been saddened to hear of all the storm damage back home. Our house wa**** hard by hail damage according to our family that called after they had a chance to check it out, but it's still standing. We're thankful. My prayers go out to all those in Hugo and Coon Rapids of course!
Many hugs to all of you!
Be well,
Amy~So good to hear from you, we were just talking about how much we missed you! Glad to hear that you are enjoying your vacation and that you will be returning with a nice warm glow! Please bring back some of that warm, sunny weather with you we have yet to have a really nice warmy day yet! Be safe and have fun! Nicole
Amy you are right now in my (and hubby's) most favorite state in the US. :) We were married in Laguna Beach. If you can take a day to drive up the coast and see San Clemente, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, etc., it's a beautiful drive with the ocean along the coast. Breakfast at Rudy's Diner is THE BEST! (Laguna Beach has one and there is also one on the pier in Huntington Beach...both on the main drag of Pacific Coast Hwy.)
Have a wonderful time!
Hello Amy...great to see you this morning!!
I am glad you are having such a wonderful trip. I loved the visual of the boys little white hineys....so cute. Reminds me of the little Coppertone girl!!
I hope you get a chance to go to the San Diego Zoo. That is a great zoo!!
We miss you and look forward to you coming back soon. Keep safe!!
Love and hugs sweetie.....connie d