Am I Hungry?
Preface: I have the book Am I Hungry by Dr. Michelle May and I subscribe to the email newsletter. Today's newsletter was regarding Dr. May having to endure a LD and I thought she shared some good thoughts. It's a long read, but I hope you find it useful and/or encouraging if you're anywhere near this stage.
By Michelle May, M.D.
Even healthy doctors end up on the other side of the
stethoscope sometimes. No worries; I'm fine now but the
experience was a wonderful reminder of how valuable it is
to be able to "sit" with discomfort rather than trying to
pu**** away.
What does that have to do with "Am I Hungry?" you ask?
Everything as it turns out.
Recognizing that I needed to have surgery, I found myself
dreading the pre-op clear liquid diet. A person who names
her company "Am I Hungry?" wouldn't intentionally ignore
her hunger signals, would she? As I stocked up on tea,
Jell-O, and bullion, I realized that I actually felt
anxious about going 36 hours without food. The anxiety
reminded me of times in the past when I automatically
reached for food to make other uncomfortable feelings go
away, like boredom or feeling overwhelmed.
When I made the connection between how I felt just
anticipating the discomfort of hunger (which I knew I would
survive) and the discomfort of stress and other triggers
(which I also knew I could survive), I realized that I had
been given a gift. I had an opportunity to mindfully
experience something I wouldn't have voluntarily chosen but
had no choice but to endure. The moment I stopped resisting
the idea and began to embrace it instead, my whole
perspective shifted.
I became alive and in tune with my body and everything that
was going on around me. I had previously considered
canceling my morning hike because of the fast ahead, but
now I relished every step, knowing it would be several
weeks before I could climb my favorite trail again.
Afterward I treated myself to one final yoga class and
settled easily and deeply into "corpse pose" at the end of
my practice despite the audible grumbling of my stomach.
As the day progressed, I mentally reviewed the details of
each level of hunger on the Hunger and Fullness Scale as I
passed through it:
5 - No hunger or fullness
4 - Just hunger pangs; it's my first awareness that I'll
need more fuel soon
3 - I'm definitely hungry now; my stomach is growling
2 - A growing emptiness in the pit of my stomach. My blood
sugar must be dipping as I'm increasingly distracted by
thoughts of food
1 - Ah yes, I am famished. Headache - check. Difficulty
concentrating - check. Irritability - check. Why does every
commercial seem to be about food? And why is my husband
eating in front of me?
At one point, I actually laughed out loud, "Hey, this is
just like I described in my book!" Since eating anything
more than a cup of broth was not an option, I remained calm
and introspective. Other than feeling less energetic than
usual, nothing bad happened. The hunger would subside then
come back stronger awhile later to remind me that I was
still ignoring it.
All too often, we resist any sort of physical or emotional
discomfort. As soon as we notice loneliness, anger, fear,
stress, pain or other unavoidable suffering that comes with
being human, we turn on the tube, shovel food in our
mouths, have a glass of wine - or sometimes all three
simultaneously. It's as though we believe we can tune it
out, shove it down, or drown it. Sooner or later, it comes
bubbling back up to the surface, so we reach for our next
quick fix.
What's your fix? Shopping? Work? Sex? Chocolate? Exercise?
Dieting? Perfection? It doesn't matter; none of them work
for long because what you resist, persists; and the longer,
the stronger.
In our "Gotta feel good all the time" culture, we've been
taught that buying more, eating more, or achieving more
will keep us happy all the time. This is the greatest lie
ever told and perhaps it is keeping you trapped in an
endless quest to avoid feeling anything at all.
To be clear, your emotional and physical feelings (both
wonderful and painful) are your body's way of communicating
your needs with you. Rather than pushing them away with
food or some other quick fix, practice observing them,
accepting them, even embracing them. Here are some ways you
can sit with your feelings when you're ready to try it:
* Become aware of your breathing.
* Sit with your feelings and watch how they naturally ebb
and flow.
* Write your feelings down, unedited, using a journal,
computer or even a scrap of paper.
* Complete the sentence: I feel... or I am... For example, "I
feel lonely," or "I am angry with my boss" or "I am worried
about my children."
* Imagine there is a pressure valve on your body that you
can turn to release some of your emotions. You can turn the
valve higher or lower to control the flow of emotions.
* Describe your feelings as a picture or a metaphor. Start
with, "My feelings are like..." and compare them to a color,
an animal, a familiar story, or whatever images surface.
* Draw images or scribble on a pad of paper to see what
* Talk about your thoughts and feelings out loud or into a
tape recorder.
* Discuss your feelings with a trusted friend or family
* Seek the assistance of a counselor or therapist if you
feel overwhelmed, scared or unable to identify or work
through your emotions.
When I woke up in pain after surgery, my first impulse was
to tense up and somehow try to make it go away. From
somewhere, the lessons I learned during my fast emerged. I
took a few deep breaths, asked for a back rub, and was soon
back asleep. Sixty hours passed before I ate again (who
knew hospital eggs could taste so good). Now, slowly,
things are getting back to normal--eating according to my
body's signals and looking forward to crab legs for my
anniversary tonight.
I am grateful for the experience and to be honest, glad it
was only temporary. I absolutely don't advocate fasting for
weight loss and I'm not convinced that it's necessary for
cleansing despite all the crazy claims out there. However,
that feeling of peace in the face of discomfort helped me
finally understand why people fast for spiritual reasons.
It also left me more convinced than ever that asking
yourself, "Am I hungry?" when you feel like eating is a
wonderful first step for tuning into your true needs. But
next time, instead of rushing in to make yourself feel
better, simply remain present to the experience and the
lessons you might discover in that moment.
Eat Mindfully. Live Vibrantly!
Michelle May, M.D.