Hyperglycemia questions
After spending 3 hours in the ER last night and going to the doctor this morning and still no formal diagnosis, I'm coming to you. In the last 3 months my blood sugar drops to 60 and I start to sweat profusely and shake inside then I get really tired. So they think I might have hyperglycemia but won't know for sure until some more tests come back and that still will inconclusive because I need to be admitted to the hospital for 72 hours for them to monitor everything. So my question is; I know what dumping is and how I feel but when I haven't eaten sugar or anything else what could this be? I'm almost 3 years out and it's getting more and more frequent. I have to go back to the doctor after Memorial weekend (since we are heading out of town I said I can't be admitted right now) and I promised that I would eat small meals every 2 hours (that's all I need is to gain more weight) but I have to give this a shot to make sure this is what I have. Plus I have to get in a lot more water I'm dehydrated again and my hemoglobin is low (but not where I need another blood transfusion). Has anyone or anyone you know have hyperglycemia? I don't know much about it and what I find on the internet doesn't make much sense. Any help would be great.
I have had hypoglycemia for many years. Basically your body over produces insulin if you have hypoglycemia. Hyperglycemia is diabetes--your body does not produce enough insulin. By eating every two to three hours you keep your blood sugar level more even. With hypo your body dumps a lot of insulin when it senses sugar, thus the type of reaction you had as the overload of insulin draws your blood sugar level way down. It is important to eat something (protein) right away in the morning as you have not eaten all night so your blood sugar level will be low. Care lifesavers and suck on one if you sense you are going into a reaction. Then eat protein within 30 minutes. Some sugars enter your blood stream faster than others. Some sugars are okay to eat with your meal, but if eaten a half hour later will send you into reaction. The only test I had to check for hypoglycemia was a 3 hour sugar test. I had to drink a sugar drink. Half an hour later they take urine and blood, then both were taken again at 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours. My sugar level went to over 200 at the 2 hour. At the 3 hour my sugar level was at 30. I was told that most diabetics will pass out when their sugar level gets down to 50. Good luck with the testing. Hope this information helps you.
"Melting Mama" on this site has a lot of info in her blog about this, she lives it every day. Has even had seizures due to it. She is outspoken and bold but I still think she has valuable info to share about it.
If you can't find her, let me know, I can link ya. You can also find her on You Tube.