Debim3 - hot new avatar!
Thanks Nicole...
I really needed the boost today. I'm feeling bloated and fat today. Have you ever seen the movie "Return to Me"? In it, the lead character gets a heart transplant and she's in the doctor's office and she's telling him that she's feeling like she should never have one of those days, that she should just wake up and be happy to be alive everyday...I feel like that today too...I should be grateful to be healthy and close to my goal weight, but I can't help it...I feel humongous!!
You need to update your avatar again soon too...It seems like each time I see you, you keep disappearing!
Debi~I will work on getting a new avatar, maybe I will see if one of my sisters can take a picture of me this weekend and email it to me! I can totally relate to have a "fat" day because believe it or not I am having one to day as well! I think we all have them especially because as we cycle our body holds on to fluids at a different level. I think so long as it is the exception rather than the rule of how you feel each day you are fine. Hope to see you again soon! Love & Hugs! Nicole