wow moment for me!
So I went to a conference for work last thursday and friday. It is a big deal in our company. We had a nice dinner and an awards ceremony thursday night and then karoke and dancing. This is the first one I have been to since losing the weight. I had so much fun! I danced and I even sang! I talked to all the people that I would not have normally talk to because I felt like I wasnt important enough or just plain scared. The next day my boss came to me and told me that a lot of people, including the President of the company, made a point to talk about how I have just opened up and have so much more self confidence. Wow! What a difference this makes! Not only am I losing weight, but I feel so much better about myself and it shows! I am more approchable now! LOL! Me?? Approchable?? Who would of thunk it? LOL!