Good Golly....guess what I forgot...?!?!
Happy Friday my dear friends!! ~ TGIF...!!!
Pretty much still asleep from working last night TJ's and this crummy, yucky, wet day isnt helping.. May the good Lord show peace and sunshine in my heart cause this gal is a weeee bit too sassy for her pants.. Enough of that huh... I wish you all the bestest day ever and a super weekend!! I will be working all weekend. I wish I didnt feel this way but I am getting tired of working the 2nd job, however with Randy still layed off and not getting any income from him, this suga mama's gotta keep bringing home the bacon... Maybe I need another trip down to see my mommy... WOW.... Sorry for all the whining and negativity and thanks for letting me vent... I go feel a bit better...oddly.. Smootchies and Huggies to my peeps!!