Any MN VSGr's??
Have you found a surgeon in MN who actually does the VSG?
My honest opinion: Seek out Dr. Buchwald at the UofM Fairview, or Dr. Ikrammudin. They are very knowledgeable about all bariatric surgeries and perform all depending on what the patient chooses for a surgery type.
The VSG is only the removal of the stomach - no intestinal reroute. Depending on what your BMI is, this technically would be the same as the first half of the Duodenal Switch ("DS") surgery, if I'm not mistaken. If your BMI is on the higher side, you can then go back and have the second half of the DS performed if you needed, which would be the intestinal reroute, and is where the malabsorption comes in.
If the malabsorption is scaring you, I can understand that. But, even if you had RNY, you still have the malabsorption. You do have to be faithful to taking supplements. That's just a given and you have to decide before surgery that you will be committed to that, to prevent issues after surgery.
My concern about the VSG would be that one may not achieve their desired weight loss without the malapsorption. However, I would be comforted to know that you can go back in and have the intestinal reroute performed if you needed a "revision" so to say.
I am only being as honest as I can be based on what I have learned to-date.
Keep doing your research because that is key to your success!
Best wishes.
I haven't found a surgeon yet. My doctor is working on that for me. She is leaning more toward the UofM for me, so I will check out those doctors.
My BMI is high, so I am open to DS, I just would prefer to only do VSG first and see how it works. If I don't have to touch my intestines I would be thrilled, but I am not opposed to it either!
I am just curious about patients who have had DS, and where they are 10 years out. I want to know if they have had any serious health problems due to malnutrition???
Thanks for your help!!