hungry all the time???????
2 weeks ago I was lucky if I ate 1/4 cup at my meals, not much was settling........... Now for the past 2 weeks, I'm hungry all the time, I can eat (at some meals) 1/2 cup and still don't feel satisfied. All's I think about is food????? I don't eat bad food, but on & off during the day I'll have grapes or graham crackers, etc. Has this happened to anyone????? The only difference is for the last 2 weeks I've been on an Anti- inflamatory called Mobic 7.5 mg, could this cause the hunger? Maybe I should go back to liquids for a week??????? Kelly
When you are eating your 1/2 cup of food, what kind of meal are you typically having? Is it a meal full of proten or more carbs or other food that goes down easy?
I find if I eat a protein dense food like chicken or beef, I can barely finish my serving. Have you tried drinking water or another calorie free beverage to see if that curbs the "hunger" instead?
I'm not sure what else to tell you otherwise - I'm 10 1/2 months out and I still don't have that sensation of hunger like I did before surgery - its a different kind of hunger and I'm easily able to differentiate between actual hunger and just boredom and wanting something in my mouth. Sometimes those old habits die hard though and I have to catch myself just grabbing something for no reason because its there.
Not sure if the new med would affect things - might not hurt to check with your doctor and see. Hope you can get past the hurdle soon and hang in there. :)
Lori J.
It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy.
Lori J.
It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy.