I just heard some great news. New kIds on the Block are indeed reuniting to put together a new album, and they will be touring! Ok, I feel a bit goofy about my level of excitement, but it is kind of cool. Seriously, they were the group that had me all hot and sweaty back in my teen years. Is this what it was like for my parents generation with Elvis and the Beetles? I'm thinking that if they don't make it to MN, but get within a few states distance, a party bus may be needed. Of course, I'm jumping the gun a little, since they haven't anounced tour dates and locations. Ok, whew, time to get back to work. Just had to share my joy! hehehe, I am such a dork! But I'm ok with that.
OMG Christi I'm so there with you!!!! I was home sick on Friday and saw them on the Today show and was transported back to being 12 years old!!! I had NKOTB everything the sleeping bag, the lunch box, the pins, etc. My mom says she still has some of my old shirts in a box. I wonder if I can lose enough weight to fit into one some day soon!!!!
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Now there is a fun goal for you! For some odd reason, I never got a tshirt, but I had pins and trading cards and posters, and my Mom had a boyfriend at the time who had satelite tv, so he would order their concerts on PPV and videotape them for me and my little sis. Boy did those tapes get a lot of wear.
I got to see them at Harriet Island. They had Rick West (?) and somebody else opening for them. We had great spots! When they danced bare-chested in front of hte speakers, we could see thier nips pretty plainly. Oh swoon! Then, after the show, when my sis and I were sitting on a grass hill by the road waiting for our Dad to pick us up, somebody drove by in a Limo, and a young male arm wearing a black bracelet/band waved out the window at us. We chose to believe it was one of our studs!