Amber Alerts, New Photos, Spring, Etc......
Happy Thursday everyone! Its been a while since I've posted. And I have a few minutes to do so now before my girls leave for school.
First of all, there are many, many of you who have disappeared or aren't on the boards as often. I hope schedules are busy and with Spring we are all getting outside to enjoy the beauiful days. As Linda Anne said "Amber Alerts are out"..... I like that. I hope everyone is doing well and feeling as fabulous as you look. Waiting for a new picture, LA Foster! :)
Everyone has been updating their avatars. And as usual I'm a day behind. Hopefully this weekend at MG coffee I'll have the opportunity for someone to snap a new pic of me. I know Kelly is planning on bringing her camera. I think this website board should be renamed to "Minnesota Hotties!" because everyone is looking fantastic.
With spring trying to creep around the corner, many of us will hopefully be off the computers more and head outside to enjoy these beautiful days. Not a day goes by when I don't think of all of the wonderful friendships I have here. I couldn't have been as successful as I have been without you.
Good luck to all the upcoming surgeries, especially Kelli S and Kris! Enjoy this newfound life and keep us all posted on how you do. Being on the losers bench is the best feeling I've had in a long time.
Happy Spring my friends!