that first apointment???
I am guessing it depends on the surgeon. For mine I did it at the same time as the info session. His nurse did most of the medical history and then he came in and asked if I had questions etc and talked about the procedure. He also told me I needed to lose 15 lbs. It was pretty quick. I won't see him again until right before surgery. Hope that helps, good luck :)
I know my first appt with the surgeon (I had already met with his nurse previously and she told me what steps I needed to complete). I met with him and he asked if I had any questions....told me about the surgery and recommended which one he thought would be best for me and explained why, and asked me to lose 20 lbs before surgery to lessen the complication risks. I was given a list of what tests to have done and timing before surgery to have done. Best thing to do.....have a list of questions that you are concerned about or want to make sure you ask. Only he can really answer them and if you don't write them down, you may forget.
Congrats on your progress and hope to hear you get approved soon.
I went through abbott - when I met with the surgeon he went through all the information about the procedure and answered any questions - did a few physical checking things and went through my history briefly. He also went through whatever requirements you still need to go through for surgery - like getting the blood tests etc.
Did you do your psych test etc yet? They wont' schedule surgery until they have approval from your insurance - then once that is done - they give you the to do list of what other info and tests you need to do.
Good luck. Linda