Lesson Learned - WOW moment
I've been so busy with work lately I haven't had time for laundry. So I wore an "old" shirt from before I lost 110 pounds. Yes, it was loose. I get to work, and about an hour later one of my co-workers comes up to me and says "that shirt is WAY too big for you to be wearing anymore". hehe When's the last time that happened to me??? Uhhh....NEVER. lol About 6 more people took me aside today to tell me the same thing. So I finally left work at my "normal" time and came home to do laundry. It's kinda hard getting used to being too small for clothes. I was used to being limited to a few shirts that barely fit. Just a little more motivation for me to work harder and need even smaller clothes. And I know most of you started out smaller than me, but I finally fit into a 22/24 pant - far cray from the 32s I was accustomed to. And quite honestly, I could stand to buy a smaller size already. Yay.