I spoke too soon
Last weekend when we were out bowling/having dinner I stated that I was lucky and had not noticed any real hair loss. Well, I spoke to soon I noticed this morning as I was doing my hair a handful of it came off into my hand. I am very grateful to have a thinck head of hair and so I hope that the hair loss will not be too noticable. I guess it is just one of the side effects of losing weight.
Hey Hon! Start uping the amount of protein, start taking Biotin in as high of dose as you can and that should "help ease" how much. It won't "cure" it but it will help! It's just a natural part of the WLS......unfortunately! HUGS!
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
I wish all that would work! My hair isn't falling out much anymore, but it's not growing. After a discussion with my doc, she is doing a whole slew of blood work, including potassium and magnesium, all the Bs, and whatever else can be tested for. She's given me some sample shampoos for scalp fungus, just in case. "Can't hurt." She said that as far as the body is concerned, hair is extra, and if the body isn't getting nourished, the hair is the last to get fed--hence the falling out.
I would LOVE to hair longer than it is, without having to buy expensive extensions or resorting to wigs. What's your opinion on this, Sandie? Are extensions freakishly expensive?
Just for fun I wore extensions for all of last spring through fall. I wanted long locks for our local Renaissance Faire :)
The initial expense of buying the hair sucked. I have such heavy hair I had to get two bundles. Then there is the time spent putting them in. And then they have to be tightened each (approx) month.
I think it ended up costing me about $600 to start and about $60 each 4-6 weeks to tighten. I also had to buy another bundle when one of mine wore out.
Not sure how our prices up here compare with the Cities. there's only one gal in town that really does the extensions. I kept my hair just in case I wanted to put them in again :)
My own hair is failing a bit. I'm not sure I would do extensions though as that puts that much more strain on your scalp and hair...
Just a couple of cents from up north!