DRUMROLL, PLEASE................... The general consensus is - no spouses or kidlets. Just our OH/WLS family for bonding and sharing time. And LOTS AND LOTS OF GIGGLES! I'm sorry if this lets anyone down, but there's just no way to accomodate everyone's preferences here. Perhaps we can set something up another time specifically FOR families!?! If anyone else is still thinking of joining us, there is time!!! In fact, even if you don't know until the day before, you are welcome! It looks like we will have about 24 people at this point! I will post more information soon, regarding what to bring, where, when, blah blah blah... If you have any questions or have decided you want to join in, PM me! We have had a suggestion from one of the participants - to bring any clothes you may wish to "swap" to the lodge! Have a kind of mini-"swapkins", if you will? Since not everyone will be able to get to the big SWAPKINS on April 26th, feel free to bring your hand-me-downs along!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful