EASTER....what are your plans...
Last year, my mom took the whole fam damily out to the brunch at Rush Creek (I was FORTUNATE ENOUGH to get a surgery date that allowed me to EAT on Easter Sunday!) Well, it was so incredibly fantastic, that she called around Christmas time and booked us in again for this year!
Seriously, that was by far THE BEST brunch I've ever experienced! EVERYTHING I put through my lips was TO DIE FOR, even the CROUTONS!!!! But it's not cheap, either. I think I may have to see if they'll honor my restaurant card.... can't see mom paying over $30 for what little I'll be eating! Not that she cares...
Happy Easter, everyone - and don't forget, it's not about bunnies and chocolate...
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
I don't know if all the bariatric programs offer them, but PNC does - Barb gave me a card at support group one night last spring... I have yet to use it, to be honest - if I can take left-overs home for another meal or two, why bother? But for a buffet, and an EXPENSIVE one at that, I will ask. Seems silly to pay so much for about 3/4 cup of food...
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful