WoW... WHAT a WEEK...!! TGIF my friends!!!
Its been a wee bit of an emotional rollercoaster at the Casa the last few.. I guess maybe thats why I forgot last weeks happy friday.. Who knows.. oooopsie!! I am FINALLY feeling better from the crud!! With Randy and Jen without insurance right now, we had both of them pumping up with the Airbourne and Randy was spraying down the house with Lysol.. So far so good as I wouldnt wish this on anyone.
Some of you know about my moms issues with circulation and clots in her legs. Lots of surguries to rebuid veins and blood flow. Last Thusday, her right leg lost the fight and was amputated below the knee. She is doing quite well and has her up and down moments. Everything looks like it is healing well. She was moved to rehab on Wednesday. Happy Thoughts and Prayers to my Mom. Many years of SMOKING has made this possible...
Due to my illness and then this I remain to be smoke free.... ALTHOUGH... I think about starting everyday as I has resorted to hooking up the troff bag and hef'n all day.. YEAH... I NEED BETTER CHOICES.. My sissy and I are flying down on the 30th to spending some quality time with her and rent the giant air tire wheelchair for the beach..!! OH YEAH baby.. Shes excited..
OK.. now that I have blabbed away and written the novel, I wont keep you...!! I get to work 8-3 tomorrow at TJ's..!! Stop on by and say hi!!
I wish you all a fantastic Friday and a super weekend!!
Oh Dana....
I'm so sorry to hear about your moms situation. I pray that this will be the last of her issues. She will survive and learn to function with one leg. I pray rehab goes great for her and she adjusts quickly. I know this is going to be a very emotional time for all of you. Stay strong and hold on to your faith. When the stres****s....deep breathing or stretching are good. Get up and walk.
Get better quickly and have a good time visiting your mom...sounds like it'll be a blast!
Great work not smoking....keep it up!