Freaked and Excited
Dear Linda, Oh I just love when those little miracles happen! (NOT even so little really- HUGE!) Well, you can be sure you're going to have an uneventful surgery NOW. . . You've got a special connection on this one with your Higher Power who must approve of WLS. I am sooooo excited for you. Wish I were at coffee tonight to see you in real life!! Way to be proactive and prepared! Cindy
You looked very at ease with your decision last night at coffee. SOOOO HAPPY for you --- and very proud of you for all you have done to get geared up and started -- paid off in the "short" run, heh?? We are going to have to have more mid-week coffees so we can see you over the next 7 LONG weeks!!!! We can get together and create a WLS creative memories page of Lisa Joy in her CPAP dreamland!!! Best $10 I'll ever spend....... XXOO