Tomorrow is the day, I cant wait! I am so excited and scared at the same time. It will be nice not to be hungry, I am really hungry this weekend! I am hoping the pain is minimal and I can get up and get moving around tomorrow afternoon, how long is it before they have you get up and walk? They said I should be back in my room tomorrow around 10:30. I am hoping the let me go home Tuesday morning. I think I would have less chance of getting infection at home rather than stay an extra day in the hospital..........pray for me please, I got lots of prayer this morning in church! From what I read, I am expecting to be feelling pretty good by Wed. or Thursday......I will continue with the boost and was told room temp water was much better to drink than cold, that cold causes pain. Any advice for me? Cant wait until its nicer out, hoping you guys/gals have coffee's and GT's around Lakeville or Fairbault, etc, would love to meet you! I am not a city driver, I will drive to burnsville, that is about it for me LOL.