Maple Grove Coffee Go-rs
Thanks so much for the warm welcome! LUCY my dear friend.., cant wait for our April adventure...!! AMY ~ Sorry I didnt get to chat much with you. I tried to make the rounds. DARLA... You my friend are look'n FABO, sister!! Cant wait for some summertime camping..!! Carol, I enjoyed our chat and wish all the best to your sister.. Alayna.. You are just so darn cute... OK.. Im picturing the table and trying to remember names.. Paul... Hoped you found Trader Joes...LOL.. Cheryl... Dang girl its been way too long!! I am horrible with names... darn it anyway... To the gal tha sells clothes.. Hope your party was a smash, to the gal that joined late.. Mary..?, Donatelle, I think..? LOL... Kelly, Sandy and Jennifer... It was sure a pleasure meeting you all...
Not sure how soon I can be back, depends on the work schedule at TJ's and Im LONG overdue to go to Eagan coffee too..
Hope you all have had a fabulous weekend!!
Good Monday morning Dana! 40 isn't old--unless you're a tree! Here's some perspective: would 'ya rather be 40 or preggers?! It's really not at all bad; I just turned 52 and feel younger than I ever did in my 20s, 30s, or 40s with all the extra weight! Never lose the child within you! Have a fantastic week girlie! Hugs galore, Patti-tat-too!
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.
Dana, baby, it was EXCELLENT to see you again! The group was so big today I hardly got to talk to you, but I can't WAIT to do some more camping with you & Randy!!! (and a large pot of coffee!!) You be sure to let me know if'n you get a wild hair, okay? Baker opens the first weekend in May
And we have tent - will travel!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful