Friday Coffee Talk
Good FRIDAY morning everyone! Wanna do the happy with me? The week is over! The weekend is almost here. Got big plans? Me? I'm cooking breakfast for our Men's Fellowhip at church in the a.m. but other than that, it's house work for Torey, Allison, and I. What are you planning?
Our challenge today is one we haven't done in a few weeks. Usually, I like to have a YOU day. Today, I challenge you to do something for YOU! Just YOU! You deserve it! You work hard, you clean, you do laundry, you provide for your family, you give of yourselves at work, you take the heat from the bosses, you give and give and give. NOW! It is time for YOU! I dare you to do something for YOU today!
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some more of that Godiva Chocolate Cream coffee my baby, Lucy sent me. I love ya Lucy! What about you? What are you enjoying?
Ya'll have a wonderful and blessed Friday as you do something just for YOU!!!
For every Goliath, there is a Stone! His name is Jesus!"
Randall, do you have ANY idea how much I need to hear that sometimes? Do something just for "you" (meaning ME)!!!?!! I mean, I think I do enough stuff for me - coffee's, and... uh... oh hell, who am I kidding? I do stuff for everyone else all the time, but just for ME? Not so much. I think I need a "me" day. Looking in the mirror this morning, what I REALLY NEED is to get my hair colored. I think I'm ready to let it go natural, but my family isn't ready for that. So then I look and start to think, 'well, everyone ELSE colors their hair, I guess I could get away with it for a few more years...'
Talk about pathetic ramblings... I think I need more SLEEP! But Maple Grove Coffee with Ms. Luuu-cyyyy is tomorrow!!! Gotta get up for that!!! Caribou Caramel Northern Lights Latte', comin' right up!!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful