You are wonderful. I am grateful. (long)
I just accidentally sent my response to Kelly on your screen! (The one that starts with "Exactly.")
Your words, "So, how tall are you anyway" changed my life forever. Not to mention watching you approach this whole thing with c o m p l e t e optimism, even after the airport episode.
Like I said in a previous email: You have ALWAYS modeled a strong independent spirit for your two younger sisters.
So, is this public display of mushy stuff just about enough for you yet?
Thank you Kathleen,
I find that I can relate to everyone in some way or another. It's pretty amazing. The quote in your signature brought tears to my eyes. I'd never seen it. It's now one of my all-time favs.
So true.
Let's hear it for new beginnings and new friends!
P.S. Home feels bigger every day!
Cindy I have no idea where I found it, but when I was seeing a "shrinkologist" prior to surgery (had to in order get approval) she said to me, "the voices will always be in your head, it's was you say back to the voices that matters". When I found that quote, I knew I had to make it mine.
The voices do come and I stay focused on what my shrinkologist said and that quote. I think that quote can serve alot of us well.