Stress and Ouchy Pouchy
I realize everyone has stress in their lives sometimes, but I usually handle it well and haven't had stomache problems as a direct result. But I woke up this morning at 4:15/a with the ouchiest pouchy ever and I know it's stress related. I've been working 12-14 hour days the last couple of weeks and will be keeping up those hours for a couple more weeks. (lol - you'd think I was a tax accountant or something, but I'm not). Don't get me wrong - I'm extremely thankful to have my current job, but I've gotten a ton of extra work dumped on me recently. I've been popping tums and pepto bismol like crazy and even started taking Zantac twice a day. Oh - I've also been taking a couple of tylenol the last couple of days because I have a stress fracture in my foot (due to said stressful job). I was told to take Advil, but I can only imagine that would increase the ouchy pouchy even more. Does anyone know of anything else I can do to relieve the ouchies? Milk isn't an option - it actually makes it worse.
I totally agree with Barb, call the doctor! You may need a rx for something a little stronger.
You said you only have a couple more weeks of this left. You've done it so far, you can do it a short while longer. That's what I tell myself every year during year end - I'm not a tax accountant, but I do HR and payroll and I just keep telling myself it's almost over, it's almost over. And then I do what I can and the rest has to wait. (except for the IRS, they NEVER wait!! LOL!)
You are human and can only do so much. Just do the best you can.