First I know this is a message borad for obesity but I have been a member for 2 years and even though I do not post very often I read this almost every day and find so much support and comfort.
I hope NO one gets upset that this is NOT on the weight loss subject. I just got my 17 year old daughter out of a 30 Alcoholic narcotics treatment center. This is her first weekend home and yes I will be going to a Alon meeting but just wondering if any of you parents have went through this!
Im looking for a meeting to go to this am but we live in a little town around the Mankato area and there is nothing this am. I know I have to let go and things of the sort but my heart breaks for my daughter she went from having friends over all the time to NO one calling her last night and some of her so called very good friends saying they wanted to hang with her just to watch a movie to completly blowing her off. I know it takes time and alot of work and only with the help of the Lord and the greatest part of all this is that is what she is realizing but again I didn't know where to reach out at this point and always find some kind of comfort here 1
Thank you to whom ever took the time to read this
I dont know anything about your problem, but I just wanted you to know your in my thoughts and prayers, it has to be so difficult for you and her, especially in a little town where EVERYONE KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT EVERYBODY. I hope you can find strength through the Lord, he carries us through everything. Bless you.
My situation is different: my daughter was in a treatment program for 7 months for mental issues having to do with her bipolar disorder. She was 15 at the time. Best thing she ever went through. She did lose some friends, but has since rebuilt her life, she is now 19 and in college and doing well. She thanks me to this day because she said it saved her life.
My younger sister is an alcoholic and heroine addict and has been for 18 years or more. She was in 4 treatment centers last year and tried to commit suicide 2 times and is now a ward of the state.
Drugs and alcohol can destroy the lives of more than just the addict, the families as well. I pray for you and your daughter and hope all turns out well for you both.
Hi Jan- I'm so sorry that you are going through this with your daughter. I know how our heart breaks when our children are hurting. I will keep your family in my prayers that all goes very well with her recovery. If you can't find meetings when you need them, you should be able to call your pastor/priest and talk with them as well. Did the program she went through give you phone numbers of phone helplines if you need them? If not, you may be able to find somethin online. Sounds like things are on the right track and I pray they stay there.