Randall's Monday Coffee Talk
LUUU-CYYY!!! Have I mentioned recently that I just love playing with your name??? Awesome job with this morning's coffee talk! Randall is proud, I'm sure. And great subject, too! I've known for much of my life that I'm much more drawn to people that have a sincere smile, and aren't afraid to use it! We've all known people who just don't seem to smile very easily, or seem sincere when they do. I feel sorry for those people. Life is too short! Even when life throws us more drama than we care to handle, there are ALWAYS reasons to SMILE! Me & the teenage daughter drama have been ACUTE lately. But rather than spend the entire day dwelling on our issues and how miserable it makes us, me & Bailey went out on a mother/daughter date yesterday. Dinner at Red Lobster - then went to see Triple Espresso !! It was a fabulous way to lighten up the mood we've both been stuck in lately. (And funny as all get out, might I add??) As a side-note: If any of you have wanted to see Triple Espresso but haven't, I HIGHLY recommend getting to it in the next 7 weeks! The show closes on April 12th? I think... It is such a funny, funny show! We were both just cracking up for 2 solid hours. Seriously, even if you don't do live shows very often, this one is SO worth it!!! If only for the shadow puppets - HA!!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful