Monday Weigh-in
Linda you are my inspiration!! You are helping me learn how to use this tool and now you are showing us how to maintain. I know at times you feel it's really difficult but we are all with you and are taking what you learn with us so that maybe for one person *****ads this it might be a little easier for them. Personally Linda i want to thank you for just being U!
Well folks-here is a surprise (not) after sitting at 240-245ish forever, I stopped the diet soda (you may have seen my confession about that a few weeks ago)
and now I am seeing a loss-down to 237 this morning.
okay! If you missed it-SODA IS EVIL. I can feel the limits of my pouch again and if I eat right, I think I will finally lose that last 40-50lbs that have been hanging around for over a year....
down about 130+