4 months post op!!!
You HAVE done an amazing job with your WLS! I think keeping a positive attitude is SUCH an important part of this whole lifestyle! We're so programmed to get DOWN on ourselves whenever things MIGHT not be going the way we'd like them to - but if we just keep following the rules and using our tools, we can ALL succeed!
I know my weight loss seems to have come to a stand still for the past 5 weeks or so, but then again, I haven't weighed myself. So yeah, those old tapes start rolling, and I'm once again AFRAID to go in and weigh myself! Why? No good reason. I'm not an angel, I have popcorn once in a while, I don't always measure my meals. So on one level, I'm sure I'm failing. But I know that I'm not sabotaging my tool, either. Hell, today I'm wearing 18's!!! Down from my 32's pre-op. I don't bother posting my frustrations here, because all I need to do is tell myself what I'd tell any of you with the same frustrations. And I relax, and I'm fine again.
You certainly have your attitude in the right place, Lisa. And I STILL don't believe you have teenagers. No flippin' way.
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful