IT'S OFFICIAL!!!!!!!!!!!
I just got off the phone with my insurance and I am approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So my tentative date of Feb 25 isn't tenative anymore....its the official surgery date!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you tell I am excited??? LOL
Now I just need to lose the rest of my presurgery weight...arrrggg. I am really struggling with that, but now that I know I am for sure approved, maybe it will be easier!!!
Any tips on how to lose the 6 lbs??????? I would like to lose it before I see Dr. Baker on the 18th,,,,,,,,but I know thats probably dreaming!!!!
Do any type of exercise you can think of..try and set your mind to after surgery and only being able to eat a little lots of protein and most importantly...DRINK LOTS OF FLUIDS!!! Congratulations and soon we will be moving on down to put you next to us on the losers bench. Good luck with losing that last 6 lbs and your surgery!!