Really really COOL news about me!!

on 2/7/08 8:40 am - burnsville, MN

Geez---where to start!! As most of you know, I graduated with my A.A.S degree in Medical Assisting in November, and took my certification exam on the 25th of Jan....still waiting for my score, but not worried that I passed.  I finally got the guts to get my resume revamped and updated and sent it out to various clinics and hospitals....waited for the expected 'thanks but you aren't qualified enough...blah blah' responses, of which I did get a few....then Park Nicollet called me on Monday and asked if I would come in for an interview for their Pumonology Clinic at Meadowbrook.  Yah sure YOU BETCHA-I studied sleep somnology before I got my MA degree.  So I interviewed today with the head nurse-she was so nice and I got to meet some of the staff, really really liked everything there.  She told me they would give me a call once they had a I left, went to Trader Joes (yay for SLP they are close) and picked up my son from school....went home and tried to relax, and the phone rings and THEY OFFERED ME THE JOB ALREADY!!!!  I am gonna work for Park Nicollet starting the 18th of this month....I am SO FREAKIN EXCITED!!!  I love these guys-I have been a patient there for over 20 years.  This is the first MA job I interviewed for, and I got it!!!  whhooooo-hooooo!  I am shaking I am so happy!

I am gonna celebrate!!  had to share with you guys-oh yeah, I decided I better change my avatar, cause I was sick of the square hat already....




on 2/7/08 8:56 am - SSP, MN
Oh how wonderful Lynn!!!!!!!!! What a great thing to come home to and a nice pay off for all your hard work! Oh and fabulous new picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!

Start Weight - 263
       Current Weight
  135 and making it work for ME !

on 2/7/08 9:12 am - burnsville, MN
Thanks LindaAnn-I am still shaking!  I still need to pinch myself.......


on 2/7/08 9:03 am - Eagan, MN
Lynn that is great new!!! Good for you!  My wife works at Methodist and she loves it.  I am so happy for you.  Way to open doors to a bright new future!! Good luck Troy P.S  I need a sleep study done in 5 months to hopefully get rid of my cpap machine once and for all.
on 2/7/08 9:14 am - burnsville, MN
Thanks Troy-where in Methodist does your wife work?  what does she do?  I LOVE that hospital-it's where my new life began!! I had a CPAP for almost 2 years before surgery and I haven't used it since I was about 4-5 months out-hope you get the go ahead to put yours in the closet too-they are wonderful, but I don't miss having that mask on!!


on 2/7/08 9:18 am - Eagan, MN
She works in surgery. Several times she has worked with our famous Dr. Chuck who gave both of us a new life.
on 2/7/08 9:03 am - Thunder Bay, Canada
Congratulations!!! I'm sooo proud of you, Lynn! ! And your new avatar---WOW!  I never would've guessed it's the same person as is the grad one! WTG!!! (((HUG))) **SUE**
on 2/7/08 9:16 am - burnsville, MN
awwwww.....sweetness!! thank you!!! I am blushing......


Tammy E.
on 2/7/08 9:19 am - St. Paul Park, MN

Way to go!!!!!!!!!!   That is jsut awsome.  We were just talking 2 weeks ago that you wanted to work for them, that is just great I'm so happy for you.  


on 2/7/08 9:23 am - burnsville, MN
Thank you!  Will we be seeing you on Saturday at Eagan Coffee?  come on down....theres coffee! LOL (I know that its your vice!) hee hee!


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