JIM - ? for you
Hey Jim
As far as the glucosmine you take, how many do you take a day? Also, do you take the kind with the MSM in it? I've read that the MSM is supposed to help with the inflammation.
I'd really like to be able to try running again but just can't with the knee pain. It's getting frustrated just to get down on my knees, it hurts so much that I have to go down on my left knee first. Never realized how awkward it was to do this, since I'm right handed.
Hi Peggy
I take the ones From Melaleuca Welness company. Mine does a good job of helping with my right knee.
Here is the link that will give you the information. It wouldn't let me copy it.
http://www.melaleuca.com/ps/index.cfm?f=ps.productDetail&pid =1691&sCatId=45
Hi Jim
Thanks so much for the information. I've been taking 1500mg glucoamin with 1200 chondroitin. I'm also taking an MSM pill too. The MSM is supposed to help with imflammation. I learned this from my vet, since my dog has joint pain too.
I used to belong to Melaleuca but don't anymore. Can you buy from them just as a guest without belonging?
Thanks again