Friday Morning Coffee Talk
Well, I hope this isn't bad taste in me, but I thought since I have so many friends on this board, I would include you guys in my morning posts. I hope you will welcome me and I hope I am not butting in on your board. I post this on 4 other boards and I really enjoy it. I sure didn't mind TeeRex posting it. Didn't mind it at all. You are all a great group and I thank you all for your Private Messages. I love Lucy, Dayner Dee is my pits and grits gal and many others of you have blessed me with your kind and sweet words. You are a great board and I see closeness growing here! Keep it up. So, can I join in? LOL
Good Friday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! It's going to be a WONDERFUL day! The weekend is almost here. Can ya do the happy with me? Got big plans for the weekend? Me? I'll be traveling to Birmingham tomorrow to make up that Minister's meeting that was snowed out last week. We are so funny in Alabama. The sight of sleet and we shut down.
Hey! We are entitled to do so right? We RARELY get snow so when we can enjoy a snow day, we enjoy it!
Our challenge for today is to do something JUST for you! Treat yourself. Do something for YOU. Buy yourself a sugar free (of course) treat, some new shoes, a new outfit, a cup of coffee. Anything, as long as it is good for you and it is JUST FOR YOU! You deserve a treat! It's Friday. You've worked hard all week on the job or at home. So go get something and just lay back and enjoy it.
So, who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm enjoying some awesome Hazelnut Cream coffee thi morning. It sure is good and hitting the spot. I guess you could say this is my morning water load. Coffee that is!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE my coffee! It sure is GOOD!
Y'all have a wonderful and blessed Friday. Remember, something just for YOU!

Good morning my dear friend! WHAT? $39.00 for a COLUMBIA?!? WOW!! What a steal! Torey and Allison LOVE their columbia jackets. Torey wants a North Face 2 piece coat. I took him looking this past week and the prices! $179.99!! SHESH! I told him we'll wait for the prices to drop some. LOL I'm all about deals! You have a great weekend too!