Bad Dr visit
I went in to the surgeon's office at the U yesterday for a check up (my 3mon, but a couple weeks early). They had me see the nurse practitioner. Her standard answer to me about my questions was "That's not my area of expertise". She didn't know what to tell me about the constipation, about the pain in my side under my left rib cage, about the heartburn, nothing. She told me that I'm eating too much protein (60-80g per day-which is what I've been told all along), that I only need 40g a day. I asked her if it was true that you could stretch your pouch if you drink too much water at a time and she laughed and said no way, the liquid runs straight through. I could swear I've read it on the board that you can...???
I just really did not trust her and she never answered my question or even tried to find anyone to see why I'm having pain. What's with the 40g of protein??? I've never heard of that! She kept asking me how much I eat and why I'm only eating meat still. I told her I can barely eat my 1/2c some days and by time I eat the protein, there's no room left for anything else. She acted as though I should be eating more by now...I'm only 9 weeks post-op!
I can't believe I had to take 3 hours off of work, wait for her over an hour as she was running late, and drive all the way to Minneapolis and back, and pay $5 for parking just to find out NOTHING!
Sorry, I just wanted to vent... I was so mad when I left there.
Thanks for letting me vent...Debi
Sorry ya had a bad visit! I think you are doing great! I was also told 60-80 gm of protein. I don't believe you can stretch your pouch out by drinking too much water. I would call and talk to someone who knows more....especially about the constipation as you don't want that to "back up" too far or for that long! And for the pain and heartburn. She should have found someone who knew!!! And I was told not to eat more then 1/2 cup until later down the road. AND I would make sure not to get her the next time as they whould have well educated in WLS people doing the follow ups!! Keep your shin up, get the answers you NEED and I think you are doing great!
~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!
I thought the 60-80 was the appropriate amount and the 1/2c, which even if I wanted to I couldn't eat more yet. I'm going to call the phone nurse in the am and talk to her, I've talked to her before and she was great.
Thanks for the encouragement!! I really am so glad I joined up on this board. People have been so wonderful and supportive and so honest about ALL the good and the bad regarding wls.
First of all never see her again!! Second, please call and report her conduct. Three,she obviously didn't know anything about your situation and was too lazy or embarrassed to ask anyone else.She would have looked stupid then.Too late....she already looks stupid!!!
Fight for your rights...don't give up until your questions are answered and you are heading in the right direction. Constipation isn't anything to wait around too long about. Try to see someone else..if not go to the ER if you have to.
Good Luck sweetie!! connie d
Deb - I'm so sorry you had a crappy appointment. That bites! You expect to go into the follow up appointments and get praised for all the success you've had no doubt and you didn't get that, that's for sure!
Were you in the surgery clinic for follow-up? Just curious who this is so I can steer clear of her.
Constipation - have you tried Miralax? If not, I would highly recommend it. It is now OTC, but you can also get a Rx for it. It really works well.
Best wishes!