Guess whose done with treatment today????
Dear Sweet Ronda, mere words just don't suffice: You are SO Amazing! Awesome! Faithful! Stupendous! Fabulous! Excellent! Positive! Fabulous! Great! Incredible! Marvelous! Superb! Terrific! Tremendous! Wonderful! Astounding! Stunning! Sunny! Amazing! Inspiring! Magnificent! Outstanding! Remarkable! Special! Super! Fantastic! First-clas ! Sensational! S plendid! Classic! Miraculous! Celebratory! Optimistic! Delightful! Euphoric! Joyous! Rapturous! Glorious! Flourishing! Grand! Strong! Gorgeous! And so Loved and Appreciated! Way to go, and I've so been behind you all the way through your initial announcement and caringpage. Lots of love and hugs galore always girlfriend! Patti
Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.

Rhonda - what FABULOUS news! That is so great.
You have been such a wonder through this whole thing, and an inspiration to me (and I assume many others). You have had a positive attitude through it all, and it has paid off for you - you are DONE with treatments and are on your way to a WHOLE NEW YOU!
I'm doin' the "Happy Dance" for (and with) you!

309/295/154.6/150 = Highest/Surgery Date/Current/Goal