Guess whose done with treatment today????

starting wt-320
pre op-312

~Sandie~ -147!!WLS:12-12-06:Preop 268,Ht.5'4",BMI 44.9
Click on link to see my journey!!!
"Do unto others as you'd have done to you"~ The Golden Rule to Live by!
You are what you EAT and WHO you hang out with! Choices=Outcome~ what's YOUR choice??
I'm not perfect but I am going to die trying!!!

starting wt-320
pre op-312
Rhonda thank you so much for thinkin of my kiddos. They are doing well.....Bella is growing like a weed and has gained the nickname of "wow moment cheerleader" During coffee in Hopkins last saturday she was cheering everyone on....tooo cute! There is a super cute picture of her pouty face on Diamond Girl's profile. Jordan just got diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome - tough pill to swallow but in the same breath soooo greatful to know what is going on so that he can actually get the help that he needs.
Again CHEERS to you! Have fun celebrating this weekend.

starting wt-320
pre op-312