PNC is great! DITTO what Darla said. I just had my surgery on January 8. Dr. Svendsen was my surgeon. HE IS AWESOME!! No complaints so far!
Good Luck with your decision!
I have to give PN a nice comment as well because they are willing to do my fills even though I am not an "original" patient. Not many centers seem to be willing to do that. I am thankful for PN.
I did attend their informational meeting a week or so ago- all paper work is in - just waiting to hear back from them- How long did that take for most of you?
5'2" - High Weight=224 / Current=145 / My Goal= 130
I think you and I might of been at the same meeting!!!
I was in the very back row by myself.
I haven't turned in my paper work yet because my Dr wasn't in the office to sign my paper.
Maybe we end up having things around the same time! That would be cool to know someone else...