"I am using it almost every morning for a 'SUPER DUPER PROTEIN SHAKE'!! I take a scoop of protein powder, a little piece of banana and some SF pudding (banana flavor) and about a tablespoon of milk. This comes out to be about 250 calories and I always get FULL!! Also like 20 grams of protein.
I have made some different variations with Strawberry and Chocolate."
1) Change brands
This can be huge and one of the best ways to not neglect your protein intake. You can also mix the brands- a scoop of this and a scoop of that.
2) Add Fruit
Adding fruit can be a nice change of pace as well. Frozen fruit can be great turning it into a smoothie. Watch the amount though, as too much fruit can add a ton of sugar. Berries like Strawberries and Blueberries can add a lot of flavor not much sugar.
3) Add Crystal Light
Crystal Light is a sugar free drink mix that comes in all sorts of flavors. There are two ways to do this, you can 1) pre-mix it in water and then add your protein to it, or 2) Just add a few sprinkles of the Crystal Light mix to you protein shake and remix. You could also use sugar free Kool Aid.
4) Add Peanut Butter Watch the amount as peanut butter calories can add up quickly. Almond butter and others are good too.
5) Add Pumpkin
This is a good one around the holidays. Get a can of unsweetened pumpkin pie mix. Add a few tablespoons to your shake and mix it up. You can also add some pumpkin pie spices like cinnamon and cloves.
6) Add Sugar Free Quik
Add a little Sugar-Free Nestle Quik (or other sugar free chocolate milk mix). This also works great when you combine it with peanut butter.
7) Add Sugar Free Cool Whip Whey shakes can definitely be bland and blah. Adding a little Cool Whip can make it nice and creamy. Works great with Peanut Butter.
8) Add Extracts Add a few drops of peppermint or other extract flavoring to vanilla or unflavored protein.
9) Add Ice
Protein shakes are worse if they are not cold. Adding a few ice cubes and mixing it in a blender makes a huge difference.
10) Add Cinnamon
A few sprinkles of cinnamon and you have yourself a new shake.
11) Eggnog
Adding 1/4 - 1/2 cup of eggbeaters (raw eggs could be hazardous) and a half a teaspoon or so of vanilla extract and you have yourself an eggnog protein shake.
12) Cheesecake A couple of tablespoons of low-fat cream cheese along with some vanilla extract and you have a cheesecake protein shake.
13) Mocha
Add some cold coffee to your chocolate protein shake can turn it into a frappacino.
14) Root Beer Float
Mix protein in diet root beer (Diet Barq's Root Beer). As close to a root beer float as you can get without real ice cream.
And take without forgetting.
Don't take life too seriously; No one gets out alive.
May You Fly with Eagles
Run with Wolves
Walk with Buffalos
Always be my Friend
Check out this link - they have a ton of different shake recipes
good luck.
Found it --- Lucy posted these recipes about 10 days ago. Here is the link she provided -- they have a ton of recipes for you.....And absolutely delicious!!!!! l?vc=0