Need Healing Vibes...
Could you all send some warm healing vibes to my back?
First off my DH took a picture of my back and I have bruising from that pedicure massager chair :(
but now a muscle on the right side is starting to make it hard to bend over or move side to side.
I have the heating pad on it now... and thank goodness I dont work again till Saturday.
Im sorry this is so trivial compared to other stuff but if you all could gimme a good vibe it might help!
Hugs friends....
Start Weight - 263
Current Weight 135 and making it work for ME !
Maybe you should alternate heat with cold (a bag of frozen peas). The heat will soothe, and the cold will help with swelling. And if it doesn't get better, go in to your pcp. And this is not trivial, this is why we are all on this board - to support each other through ALL things.
Take care and I hope you start to feel better soon!