HONEY I'M HOME!!!!!!!!
Hi guys you do not know how good it is to be home. I feel like I have been run through the mill. I definitely got more than I bargained for. First of all surgery, I got a 3 for 1 deal. In addition to the RNY I got an appendectomy and a umbilical hernia repair. My doctor said he had felt like he was in a marathon. The surgery took a total of 4.5 hours. And to beat all I found out that I am allergic to something. Saturday and sunday I have been itching like crazy. I was allergic to the prep they used on me in surgery.I was so miserable yesterday and the had no idea what it was. Thay finally gave me some benadryl and some pain meds and I was out for the night. Sorry I could not keep you updated very much , my laptop did not work in hospital. I am home now and very glad to be here.
Love you all Richard
So glad you're home - a hospital is a lousy place to recover, THAT'S for sure! Your three-fer sounds almost exactly like mine! Did they do the extras lap or open? My hernia repair and appendectomy were open, then the RNY was lap. 4 hours on the table, 3 nights in the hospital. De ja vous!!!
But if they DID do your hernia & apppendectomy open, I BET THEY DIDN'T FOLLOW YOUR C-SECTION SCAR!!!

Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
(deactivated member)
on 1/14/08 3:08 am - MN
on 1/14/08 3:08 am - MN
Glad to hear that you're home and resting comfortably. Major bummer about the itching thing - that would have driven me crazy - but I guess all the extras in surgery is a good thing - RIGHT???
Keep resting, sipping and walking - you'll start feeling like your good ol' self in no time at all!
Congrats on your surgery and welcome to Loserville!