Down 100#.....but unhappy.
(((Laura))) Linda Anne (and she can correct me here if I'm wrong about this...) always told me she would go through these spurts where her body was losing so fast and she would get so tired and felt like she was dragging, then the emotional part - I hear that the hormones are trapped in body fat and so they release at a good pace when you're shedding so quickly. Glad to hear he up'd your meds.
Everyone has said great things to you, I just wanted to share what Linda used to tell me all the time because it made sense to me.
I'm so proud of you!!! 100 gone forever, WTG!!!
Hi Laura~
First of all--congratulations on the -100lbs!! What an awesome achievement!
Second---WLS really wreaks havoc on the hormones. It's not unusual to be up and down like a yo-yo. And with daylight being in such small amounts, depression is altogether too common. Talking things over with your doctor is a good idea. (I had my anti-depressants upped.)
Also--exercise is good for getting the endorphins moving! And of course exercise is good for toning up the ol' bod!
I hope you feel better tomorrow!