Sleep Study....That was a suprise to me!
I have always been a good, good sleeper. But I guess I had too many questions I answered in my packet that I sent into Methodist that made me a candidate for the sleep study test. It's okay...maybe good. I was just totally shocked. So, how does sleep apnea affect the surgery? I'm trying to figure out how the two correlate? Does anyone know?
Lisa Joy
I got hit with the sleep study too - when I saw my referring doc - she measured my neck and it was 16" and apparently that can predispose you to possibly having sleep apnea. I didn't answer yes to any question but "would you fall asleep if you laid down in the afternoon to do so:
From my understanding is that people with sleep apnea are more risky to do surgery on - with the being put under etc. and the stress it can put on your heart and other systems.
Also - from what i have heard - even if you currently have sleep apnea (not saying your or I do) when you lose some weight it goes away. so many times they may recommend the c-pap machine now until surgery and then you are off it once you lose some weight.
good luck - im not looking forward to my sleep study either.
The Sleep study changed my life and out look on sleep. It is KEY to good health for your heart, head and every part of your body.
Go to the seminar that colleen gives b4 the study it was a real eye opener.
The rooms are beautiful .. like a great hotel.
I have severe sleep apnea.. I stop breathing 48 times an hour and that is for at least 10 sec. each time.
This is very hard on your heart and brain.
I love my APAP .. not a CPAP. They'll let you know the diff.
It is very important to take your CPAP with you if you have apnea because your air way closes and they made need to put it on you in recovery.
Don't worry the staff at the sleep study center are great and the NP with the lung and heart you see is awesome.
Take the study you won't regret it!
The Sleep study changed my life and out look on sleep. It is KEY to good health for your heart, head and every part of your body.
Go to the seminar that colleen gives b4 the study it was a real eye opener.
The rooms are beautiful .. like a great hotel.
I have severe sleep apnea.. I stop breathing 48 times an hour and that is for at least 10 sec. each time.
This is very hard on your heart and brain.
I love my APAP .. not a CPAP. They'll let you know the diff.
It is very important to take your CPAP with you if you have apnea because your air way closes and they made need to put it on you in recovery.
Don't worry the staff at the sleep study center are great and the NP with the lung and heart you see is awesome.
Take the study you won't regret it!
I had to do the sleep study. Not a surprise since my husband was always complaining about my noisy sleep. It was not a big deal and I did end up with a CPAP machine, but had to use it only for about six months.
After surgery, the snoring and apnea went away. When you are carrying extra weight, for some reason, your throat kind of collapses on itself while you sleep. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Take care.

Hi Lisa,
I had a sleep study also and it was a co-morbidity for me. I have a mild case of sleep apnea and got a CPAP machine before surgery. I used it one night and couldn't get used to it and returned it after my surgery. I believe it is the reason my insurance company approved my surgery. It was an interesting night for me at the sleep center.....
I have to do that too since I snore and snore loudly! I have always been a great sleeper too and I am no more tired during the day than anyone else I know.
I am going next Thursday night for my test. I will let you know how it goes. I am a little nervous because I LOVE my own bed and hate the thought of sleeping in a strange place ~ especially without my cat!


I was a good, good sleeper too -- especially with my ambien. But, while I was sleeping like a baby, between my restless leg syndrome and my snoring -- my hubby wasn't sleeping and was getting bruised. Since the surgery -- he doesn't even know I'm in bed with him!!! The sleep study doctor got me on requip for the RLS and man that stuff works -- I've suffered with "jumpy legs" for 50 years and one little pill completely erases it. AMAZING!!!! With my weight loss, no more snoring and I'm much more energic and rested. I'll have another study at 1 year but I believe my apnea is gone!!!
Sleep Apnea is a very serious health risk. As I understand it, sleep apnea (if not addressed) can lead to heart issues such as heart attack and/or stroke. Sleep apnea is essentially an obstruction in the airway while you're sleeping. Weight adds to or could be the issue causing the obstruction. Interrupted breathing during critical REM sleep is very hard on your body & your heart.
I also understand that it's next to impossible to lose weight if you have sleep apnea. Something about how your body )without that deep restorative REM sleep) hold the fat. I don't know all the details on that one - but kind of pointless to do the surgery if you're not going to address the issue, right? Weightloss can also help reduce or eliminate sleep apnea, but why put all that extra stress on your heart during the process post-op that's already hard on your body.
Just my thoughts.... I've grown to LOVE my sleep of my life!! I don't yawn anymore throughout the day. I wake up refreshed and ready to go. And I've also found (even pre-op) that I didn't get the 3pm munchies like I did before - not sure if there's a connection but it stopped after using the cpap.
I also had the sleep test done, and i also think that had a big part of my insurance giving the go ahead. I will be 1 month out of my surgery on sunday and they already had to adjust my machine. I love my machine and I sleep so good with it. Don't worry about the test it is weird but where I went it was s et up like a hotel so it wasn't bad I thought of it as a little vacation away from hubby and kids. LOL It is weird with all the wires they have on you and they prefer you sleep on your back well I hate sleeping on my back so I slept on my side and they had to come in a few times to reattach my wires OOPS!!!! One hint bring your shampoo and stuff so you can shower when you get up your hair will have gel in it from the wires they hook up there. I am hoping to be off my machine with in another 2 months or so. When I was in the hospital they wanted me to use my machine well I didn't feel like it so I asked them to put oxygen on me and they did that was better than my machine. now that I am done writing a book I will end this. I know this didn't help much sorry.... Hugs Marsha