Home again, home again, jiggety jig..
I had a great time with my family. Thanks for asking. YOu are so sweet. I'm really glad I made the choice I did. I needed to for my mental health. It's amazing how well I am sleeping at night. My neighbor checked in on Felix every other day. I was really worried about him; but he did fine. She gave him some cat nip (my idea to her). It usually calms him. Before I left, I put piles of clothing in various spots in the house that he could sleep in. When I came home, all of those spots were flattened. So, I know he slept fine. He did stress over eat (like mommy, like kitty... hee, hee). And when I got home he was attached to my hip. NOW, he is fine.............. sitting by the fireplace.
I guess your kitty is a little more dependant on you than you thouht, huh? Ahhhhh, that's so cute. Is your kitty back to normal now? Well, maybe there will have to be a road trip up to Canada. I've never been there before. Have a great rest of the week. Hugs, Lori