Monday Morning Weigh-in
I actually spent some time at the clinic last night (urgent care, no big deal), so I got a weight! (and apparently my previous weight was from 12-11, not 11-23 as I has previously thought!) Anyway... Highest - 377 Surgery - 356 1/7 - 256 I have my 9 month appointment on the 21st, and I can already feel the old fear of being weighed creeping up on me!!! Dang old mentality...
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful
Pam this is an awsome idea..thanks so much.
I can't do it this week because I am still in Iowa and my daughter doesn't have a scale. They don't want one either! They think they use it too much when it is around. They look good so I guess it is working for them.
I will be joining in next Monday!!
Hugs, connie d