North Branch Coffee Gals
Ohhh thanks so much for your thoughts on this. My PCP has been watching my vitamin levels very closely.....I have had problems with vit D and iron being really low. Everything else is always great. I'm going to try to push the fluids and do some extra protein to see if it helps. I'll probably also give her a call to see if she has any ideas. My hubby works at the hospital with her so it's like talking to an old friend....i love her!! It was great to meet you yesterday too. You were wonderful just as I imagined you were. It's great to now have a face to put with the posts. I sooo need to get out of the house more so I will probably try to get there as soon as possible. Thanks for the comments on Sadie...she's a lot of fun but as I'm sure you understand a handful at the same time. I enjoyed being without her lol. Your girl's are so adoreable....I still see them in my head at the Toby Mac concert dancing away LOL. I think they entertained me as much as he did. Thanks again!!