Got Scared tonight
Get thee to the Dr.!! Don't worry about getting yelled at - you need to be on some sort of medication and if you're already on meds or insulin, you need an adjustment. Numbers that high are dangerous, and if they get much higher you may end up in the hospital. I was diabetic pre-surgery and know that most surgeons won't do surgery if your blood sugars are that out of whack. When it's that high, it's more than just not eating right.
Don't risk your health over some Dr. yelling. I've been there and if a Dr. is crabby and not supportive, I go to another one. You are hiring THEM - your Dr. should be concerned, not judgmental or mean.
With blood sugars that high, you must be exhausted. Get them under control and the rest will follow.
Good luck and make that appt!!
Lori J.
It's better to be imperfectly happy than perfectly unhappy.
Yeah - you best get in to your doctor. If you're scared of your doc - maybe you should get a new one. Mine thanks me every time I come in when my sugars are high. Before surgery, I finally took his advice and went on an insulin pump (OmniPod). It was the best thing I ever did for myself! If you'd like more info on the OmniPod, I'd be happy to share my experience - just PM me.
You need to get to the doctor NOW. Don't worry about what the doctor says. You need to get that under control. They will check it right before need to get that number down. If it is that out of control they will postpone surgery anyway.
Good Luck....let us know how the doctor appointment goes.
connie d
I totally agree with Lori......get the to a DR, quick, pronto!!!!
Taking the medication is no big deal.
My brother-in-law didn't check his blood sugars either, and found out the hard way he had diabetes. His blood sugar was around 400 and he passed out and almost went blind. I don't mean to scare you, but your blood sugar is not anything to mess around with. We had another friend who's blood sugar was 300 and he almost passed out going down the stairs and could have really been hurt bad.
Keep us posted. The medication is a breeze to take and well worth it for your health.